Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Come on fall!!!

Let me just say, I DO NOT like being pregnant in the summer. I feel like I have been cooped up in our house for too long because Its just too hot to go outside and enjoy the sun unless we are headed to the pool. Cam and I go to the park every once in a while just to get out but its just soo hot and humid here. Today, its been raining all day and the temp outside is 68! Maybe if it stops raining and is just cloudy I will open up the windows! Anyways, I am so ready for my beloved fall to get here! There is so much to look forward to!
September 12, Chris' parents are coming in to town and we are going to my FIRST NFL football game! ( Green bay vs. Eagles) in Philly. I just ordered our cute packers shirts for the three of us 2 days ago.
October 20th marks my pregnancy at 20 weeks exactly. We haven't set the exact date to get out sonogram to find out the sex of the baby but it will be the week of the 20th. Plus my mama will be here for it and I am so excited. I have made myself open minded about it all. With Camden, I knew in my heart that he was a boy and I had no doubt at all that when we went to go find out his sex that he was all boy! I was right! With this baby, I will admit that I am hoping for a girl because this is our last baby and I would like one of each. This pregnancy has been SO different from my last one which makes me think its a girl, but hey that could just be wishful thinking! Either way, I will be so thrilled with whatever we are having. If its a boy, the plus side would be that we already have everything that a boy needs! We are just praying for a healthy pregnancy and big healthy baby. We are on a good track so far!
Some other festivities about fall that I am so ready for are
Fifer Orchards- pickin' fresh apples and going to the pumpkin patch and riding the hayride!
Halloween! I am way excited about this years costume for Camden. Camden and Chris are dressin up together and its going to be so cute. I'm not going to give it away because it was completely Chris' idea. Hey, anything to get Chris to dress up for Halloween right? haha. The only hint I will give is that they are dressing up as a duo. It will be so cute!
Fall Colors. That is something that I definitely favor Delaware over Texas. I love Texas but there are not enough trees. Up here, trees are everywhere! Last year was our first year here and I was truly amazed by the changing leaves. Its really beautiful up here during the fall time of year.
Fall decorations and yummy candles. I go all out for Halloween and then for fall. Its just fun for me. Although, some of my Halloween decorations are scary pirates and skulls lol. I hope that it doesn't scare Cam. I also cant wait to get out my pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon candles. Yum!!
Cooking and baking. I cook throughout the year of course but there are some things that I make that I think are only good when its cold outside! Jalapeno cornbread and chili, all kinds of soups, and then of course all the yummy things you can bake! Mainly desserts! I cant wait.
Sweaters, hoodies, and scarves! I always look forward to getting out my sweaters and scarves every year. I love getting warm when its cool outside :)
And who could forget Thanksgiving! last year was our first one away from family and it was surprisingly wonderful. We got to spend it with our military family instead. This is going to be the case again this year. Its a lot of fun. Me and all of my girlfriends get together and cook all day for dinner with our husbands.
Well, I have talked enough about the excitement of fall, how about a little update on my boy?
Camden is growing so quickly and its so fun watching him learn.
He says dada, mama, dada, bye bye, dada, night night, dada, hi, dada, yum, dada,uh oh, dada, dada, go go, dada haha.
He waves bye bye, brings me a diaper when he needs to be changed, turns on and off the tv with the remote haha, gives you a kiss when you ask for one, eats by himself, and walks everywhere! He loves to go up the stairs but only when mommy and daddy are behind him :) He has become quite the independent little man. I am one proud mama. I feel so blessed that I get to do it all over again!
This was a long entry but is definitely been a while since I updated.
That's all for now
Much loves and God bless,