Sunday, September 26, 2010

my pregnancy thus far...

Well morning sickness is gone, i have some energy back, and I was feeling great for a few weeks. This past week, I have been hit with HORRIBLE headaches that I cannot get rid of. I try to take medicine and it doesnt help, I try t take a nap but I still wake up with in pain, and I even try sitting in the dark but it will not go away. I went to the Dr. last week and was fine and my blood pressure was low like it noramally is. Everyone has been telling me it could be my blood pressure but I doubt it. Regaurdless, I am going to call my OB tomorrow and see if I can come in. My house has begun to show the side effects of my headache by how messy it is. I feel like a slug because all I want to do is go in my dark room and go to sleep for a little while. Im praying that this wont last long...
On a higher note, my grades are great! A's in all of my classes and I am half way through my semester. I can't wait to have the accomplishment of my degree under my belt. It will just be such a relief to finally hacve it complete.
We find out what the baby is in 2 weeks!!!! I can't believe how much faster this pregnancy is going than my last one. I seriously felt like I was pregnant with Camden for a year! I can't wait to find out what we are having....I have a feeling of what I think it is but I dont want to feel stupid and be wrong lol. I have FINALLY figured out what I am going to do with the new nursery. For the longest time I could only figure out what I wanted to do for a girls room. Now I found a boys room idea that I am really excited about as well. I can't wait to tackle that nursery. That is one of my favorite parts of being pregnant. I am getting so anxious, its all I can think about. I just want to know what I am having!!!!!!

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