Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pregnancy blahs

Well morning sickness has hit me like a train! I have pretty much had morning sickness nonstop for the past week and its not fun. It is an interesting feeling though. I did not have any morning sickness whatsoever with Camden my whole pregnancy. I know that every pregnancy is different whether the sex is the same or not but nothing about this pregnancy seems familiar to me. Maybe its a little girl??? To be honest I am hoping for a girl since this is my last baby but a little boy would be such a blessing as well. Camden would have a very close playmate and they will only be one grade apart in school. Either way, I am just hoping for a healthy baby. Anyways, all I want to do is sleep and drink sweet tea. Most food makes my stomach hurt but I am trying to eat a few very small meals a day just to give me a little energy.
My poor house looked like a tornado hit it until today :(. It kind of makes me feel like a bad wife and mother when my house gets messy because i feel like I am not taking care of my family. I know I'm pregnant and I guess its okay that I don't feel good but I just love taking care of my family with the cooking and the cleaning. I haven't really been able to do either for the past 2 weeks or so. I have either been too tired or sick to my stomach to do anything.
I am so thankful for a sweet understanding husband. He has been so great. He has done the laundry, dishes, and cooking. He is such an amazing provider for our family. I am so thankful for our home and everything that we have built as a family. I guess all I can really say is that I am blessed.
As much as I don't feel good, I know this time will pass and I am just thankful to be pregnant. God is so good.
My next Dr's appointment is August 10Th and I am really looking forward to it because we will get to hear the heart again! I will keep everyone updated on everything!!
That's all for now!
Much love and God bless,

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sonogram picture :)

This blog entry is going to be short but here we go! We went to get our first sonogram today of Smith baby number 2! The reason that we got to get a sonogram so early in my pregnancy is because we werent sure exactly how far along I am. As of today, I am 6 weeks and 1 day pregnant! My guess of 6 weeks was close. That makes my due date March 10, 2011. The baby's heart beat was nice and strong. It was so funny to see a little flicker (the heartbeat) on such a lttle peanut! lol.

We could not be any more thrilled and we are looking forward to what is to come!

Thats all for now!

Much love and God bless!


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Im Pregnant!

Well, Chris and I are expecting Smith baby number 2! we are so incredibly thrilled and feel so blessed that we are pregnant! We decided that we were for sure ready to start about a month ago. I am so happy of how easily it happend! Didnt take very long at all! If I am correct with my dates, I should be due sometime at the end of March. This feels perfect to me because the majority of my pregnancy will be in the cold!
I was at the grocery store yesterday and walked past the pregnancy tests and thought I should pick some up just in case cinsidering I was off the pill. I have not been expiriencing any pregnancy symptoms yet other than I am a little bit more tired than usual. I just thought it was because I have been working out more lately and chasing after Camden. Anyways, when I got home from the store, I decided that I would just go ahead and take he test while Chris was at work so that I could just get it out of the way because I was pretty sure that I was not pregnant. about ten seconds after I took the test, the second line showed up VERY bright pink! I couldnt believe it! I am actually pregnant already! What a blessing. Chris was supposed to be home in an hour so I decided to take another test just to be sure. I took the second test about 30 minutes later and it was positive as well!
When Chris got home I asked him if he wanted one of his birthday gifts from me and of course he got excited and said yes! ( of course he had no idea because I hadnt previously told him that I thought that I could be ) I told him to close his eyes and hold out his hands. I put the pregnancy test in his hands and told him to open his eyes. He freaked out! We both started crying. We are SO EXCITED!
Today is my sweet Chris' 23rd birthday. I can't believe that I started dating him when he was 17! Its truely amazing how time can fly by! Happy Birthday my love!
Well thats all for now. I will definitely keep everyone updated on doctor visits and such!
Much love and God bless!