Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas is finally near!

AHHHH finally! My absolute favorite holiday is finally here! Of course I love the music, the decorations, the holiday cheer, the beautiful wrapping paper, and the yummy treats but I love remembering the reason that we celebrate this holiday. Camden is finally at the age where he is understanding who God is, where he is, and little stories from the bible that we tell him or he learns in his Sunday school class. This year, Chris and I are going to start a new tradition of reading the nativity to our children every year before we open gifts to each other. I want them to understand why this day is so special and its true importance in our Christian lives. When I found out I was pregnant with Camden, I said a prayer to God thanking him for blessing Chris and I with the precious gift and promising him that I would raise him to know him and love him. I also did this with Cayson. We take our children to church every week, pray with them, and try to show them how to act the way God wants us to through our actions. The older Camden gets, the more I see him understand and realize little things and mimmick our actions. I know that Cayson is just around the corner in that department as well. They are both learning so quickly. They are like sponges and soak in everything they see and hear. I think that its so awesome that Christmas is falling on a Sunday this year. We will get up, read the nativity story, see what Santa brought us, mommy will make a big breakfast, then we will open presents from each other,and then we will go to Church to worship our savior! Such a blessing.
Along with the birth of our savior, we are looking forward to our visit from Santa! We went to see Santa last week and they were both so excited! I worry every year that they will be afraid of him but they weren't.
This will be our first Christmas with absolutely no extended family. I have mixed feelings about this. I am going to miss my mom but I am so unbelievably thankful and feel so blessed to have my family all together this Christmas. A lot of my friends have deployed husbands and have to be apart from their loved ones. We are very blessed to be together. I am excited that we will have an intimate Christmas on our own. It will be very special. This will also be Cayson's first Christmas!
It is our tradition to do a Mexican feast every year for Christmas. We love Thanksgiving food but every year we feel like the left overs lasted so long that we just finished them! Anyways, our tradition is set in stone now that we have done it for every Christmas that we have been married. I am excited!
Much love and God bless

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Can it be Christmas yet!?

I feel like a bad blogger....BUT i have been insanely busy and its only about to get worse. My classes are going great, Chris' classes start back on Monday, and the boys are doing so well with all of the business. I am going to double up my classes again this time to get them out of the way. I am hoping to graduate a semester earlier than planned but we will see. I just cannot wait. I REALLY cant wait for Chris to graduate too. It will make my life a whole lot easier when Chris can be home every evening and I can get more done with my school, but for now we are making it work! The key to our success is sticking to the schedule!
Well, the summer is over and fall is well in play! Halloween is on Monday! The base actually does its trick-or-treating on the weekend though so we will be taking the boys out on Saturday evening. This works out great for us because if we had to go out on Monday Daddy wouldn't be able to join us because he will be in school :(. Well, I for one am SO excited about the boys costumes this year :) They are going to be too cute.
So pretty much, I don't know if anyone is as excited about Christmas as I am. I am ready to put out all of my decorations and start wrapping gifts! Its not even Halloween yet and I already have everyone's gifts picked out for our whole family and extended. This will be Cay's FIRST Christmas! I am so blessed to have beautiful healthy little boys. They are the greatest gift of all!
A friend of mine back home made some adorable Christmas shirts for the boys! If you would like to order one from her I am sure she would love to make one for your little ones! Her website for them is and her outfits are adorable!
Thats all for now!
Much love and God bless!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Phil 4:19

So we just got back from vacation which we have been saving for for over 6 months. We had a blast being with family and friends, eating out at our favorite restaurants, and basically doing whatever we wanted to do the whole time. Well, of course when we get home after we have just spent a lot of money traveling, something happens to the car which is going to be costly. I will spare you of the boring car details of which I do not understand because I am mechanically retarded BUT lets just say it was going to be a lot of money. We have the money but it was just going to be basically the bottom of our savings with the month long trip that we went on AND the car repair which of course would make any mother uncomfortable. THANKFULLY, Chris has a friend here who is pretty handy when it comes to car repair. All in all, it cost us a plate of spaghetti (which I cooked and made the sauce from scratch) and a couple of pieces of garlic toast. He fixed the car and its working perfectly and all we had to do was feed him lunch. Praise God for friends like this especially in times of need. God always provides!
It is so wonderful that we have the Biblical promise that God will provide all of our needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19)
Much love and God bless!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Well our vacation home was so amazing! It was so nice to see family and friends that we have not seen in a while. I wish I would have been able to see everyone that we had hoped to see but of course life happens. Our trip was crazy but so much fun. We flew to Dallas and spent almost a week with my dad and grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was so nice being around family. We really miss out on the family stuff living so far away from everyone. After our trip to Dallas we went home for a few days to Lubbock and got to spend Chris' dad's birthday with him. We then went to Alamogordo to see my mother and bobby. My brother and sister in law , Gerianne then met us there and we drove to Colorado to our ranch in Vallecito Valley. It could not have been any more beautiful up there. My mother grew up there, i grew up there, and now i get to take my own children up there so they might have some of the same childhood experiences that I had. While we were in CO, we go to go eat dinner with my uncle, aunt, and cousins. It was so good to see them as well. After all of that traveling, we finally made it back to Lubbock to spend the last remaining 10 days of our trip there. We enjoyed being with family and friends and cant wait to move back home in a few years. It will be exciting when we no longer have to say goodbye to the ones that we love and and know that we wont get to see them again for at least a year. BUT the timing will be perfect to move home. We will both have completed our bachelors degrees and Chris might actually be finished with his masters by then, we will see. As much as I want to move home right now, it would be difficult considering we have no degree and really no set plan. By the time Chris' time in the military is up, we will be ready! Until then, our one visit home a year and skype will have to suffice. Well, this momma needs to go do some serious cleaning!
PS- we are starting the exciting adventure of potty training once again on Monday. Please pray that all goes well and that the transition is smooth. AND please also pray for my school which also starts back on Monday.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fast Paced!!!

Well, I feel like my life is going in fast forward motion and I cant seem to slow it down for anything. I JUST had a baby like yesterday ( it seems ) and he will be 6 months old next month......what the heck? I want to keep my babies tiny forever! Last night around midnight, Camden woke up and just started crying for me and Chris. I went in there and laid with him for a bit and as I was laying there in his bed with my arms around my sweet baby, I realized that the times of him coming to me and Chris because he is scared or needs help are not going to last forever. I almost just started crying with him thinking about him as a grown man and not needing his mommy anymore......hes already 2 1/2.....this just doesn't seem fair. I literally cherish every moment I have with my boys, because I know that it will not always be this way.
I LOVE each and every stage that we have experienced so far with each of our children. Camden is learning how to potty train ( Which is NOT going very well haha but he will eventually get it ) and Cayson is already holding his own bottle and attempting the army crawl. He can already scoot forward.....its just insane. Which makes it harder is that this is it for me. I am finished having children. Every time I say that to anyone they just laugh and tell me how young I am and times will change.....I REALLY don't think it will honestly....the only thing that might possibly happen in the late future would be an adoption. Chris and I have always talked about it since before we even got married that we would one day like to give a child a better life. My sister-in-law Gerianne is adopted and I know that her parents just completely adore her. I could see that with Chris and I one day...
Well I did great in my classes and I could not be any more please! This was a big challenge for me because I was having to adjust to being in school with 2 kids instead of 1 and not having any help from Chris during the week because he goes straight from work to school. We pretty much live for the weekends when we can be together as a family. Things are crazy at our house but we are getting by! I just keep telling myself that once Chris graduates things will slow down....I'm hoping for it anyways.....and then when I graduate the following year, maybe things will REALLY slow down.
Well we are going home in 2 weeks exactly. I cant even begin to explain how excited I am to see family and friends. Most of our family except for my parents and Chris' parents and Gerianne are the only people who have met Cayson. I cant wait to see everyone!
Ok so i am SOOOOO ready for fall. I am ready for warm sweaters and jeans, ugg boots, the leaves changing, family activities like going to fifers orchard and enjoying the cool air outside as much as possible, baking, Halloween, cornbread and chili ( my fav) NO MORE HEAT!!, Thanksgiving, and then CHRISTMAS! :) I am just so ready for this time of year. After fall means winter which means Christmas! Do you remember how much fun Christmas was when you were little? Well it is like that but X10 when you get to do it for your own children and see how excited they get. Is it silly that I am already scheming for Christmas? I am DETERMINED to surprise Chris this year....but how I am not sure yet!!
Well, please continue to pray for our schooling. It will be the biggest blessing when we complete our degrees! I am just taking things day by day!
Much love and God bless!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Getting Back on Track

So for the past month or so I have sort of gotten out of touch with the important things in my life. I have not been neglecting my responsibilities but my head and my heart have just not been into them. Chris and I started a new Bible Study last night and I have begun writing my my prayer journal again. I know that these things will get my head and my heart back to where I want it to be.
I started working out about two months ago and I am so happy to say that it is paying off. I am down 50 pounds since I had Cayson. I still have more weight that I want to lose but this is a big milestone that I am proud of.
My schooling has been an issue for me lately. This is my first semester back since having had Cayson. It is a lot harder doing school with two babies than it was with 1. Not that I dont have exceptional children but nonetheless it is difficult to stay focused on school work when I am constantly feeding babies, changing diapers, potty training, kissing booboos, picking up toys, and trying to keep them entertained. Being a mommy is so unbelievably rewarding but it does make every day tasks a bit difficult. I was, however, given great news today! I got my grades back for mid-semester grades and I am doing well. I was very relieved to get an A on my midterm paper and slide show.
I have finally gotten a routine down with the boys that is doable :). I am happy to say that my house only looks like a tornado every once and a while now instead of every week haha. They are so fun. They are just growing up so fast i feel like every time a blink they are bigger. Cayson is 4 months old now and he has quite the personality. He loves to smile and laugh and is very entertained by his bubba. Camden wants to play with him so bad and he is learning that he has to be VERY gentle around him. He is such a good helper. He helps by bringing mommy diapers and wipes and then throwing the diapers in the trashcan ( his favorite part! )
Chris is in school full time so he comes home from work and pretty much goes straight to school. I cant wait until next December when he can walk the stage. It will be such a great accomplishment for him and I will be so proud. I know he misses spending all of his time with the boys but he is doing it for us which just makes me love him more.
A little about our bible study. We are reading a book called "the sacred romance" which is about your personal relationship with God. We are barely into the book but I can already tell that its going to be a wonderful study to do together.
Stress has hit me like a train lately and I have just decided to let go and let God. I finally realized the other day that I cannot deal with all of this on my own and I need our Lord and Savior on my side to get through it. The littlest things have just been pushing me over the edge lately and I have finally decided to give it up to God. I know that he is on my side and I am not alone. It kind of reminds me of the song from Barlow Girl " I cried out with no reply and I cant feel you by my side so I look tight to what I know, You're here and I'm never alone". I love that song and it is so perfect. I know that God is in control and I am just so happy to get back on track with my relationship with him.
We are coming home next month for a long visit! Its going to be a great vacation and I cant wait to see all of our family and friends. It will be such a blessing to get away from everyday life and spend some quality time with family.
Thats all for now! Much love and God bless.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Its been a while!

Well, I have been one busy woman since becoming the mother of 2 little boys. My days basically consist of cleaning, laundry, cooking, singing songs with Cam, feedings, changings, potty training (we will get to that in a minute!), homework, working out, playing with extremely loud toys, watching the disney channel with Cam, bathing the boys, and nap time (my favorite part of the day). When Chris is not at work or school we spend as much time together as possible! Weekends are a treat because there is no work and no school! I am so proud of him though. Although being alone all day and evening stinks, its going to be so worth it next year when he walks that stage! So unbelievably proud of him. He is such an amazing provider and friend.
Now potty training... Well basically what we are doing is setting a timer for every 30 mintues and sitting on the potty whether we need to go or not! Every time that timer goes off, Camden screams and runs up the stairs! Its kind of funny but I have to chase him every time haha. He hates it, but we arent giving up! My big boy turned 2 last month and I just can't believe it. This time is so precious but its flying by :(...... He got a big boy pool from mommy and daddy :) We have been having a lot of fun in there so far!
I am on week four of p90x. It is getting less and less hard to do which is good but I am always so nervous to measure myself every week. I have lost 24.5 inches thus far!
Now about Cayson. He is literally the best baby in the world. He sleeps all night. Its truly a gift straight from God! I dont know what I would do if he woke up 2-3 times a night like Camden did in the beginning. Hes so sweet and cuddly....totally enjoying the newborn stage!
I have an unspoken prayer request. If you have a minute please lift me up in prayer.
Much love and God bless.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Prayer Requests...

I have had such a heavy heart lately. So much has been going on lately it just seems like we have been going 100 mph and it doesn't look like things are going to be slowing down any time soon. Please just pray for us so that we can get through everything this next month...
1. First and foremost, PLEASE pray for our extended family (The Phillips). Chris' aunt Cindy has been having severe liver problems and it has been a long roller coaster ride the past 2 weeks. She has recently been moved to hospice in Houston Texas. Please just pray for a peaceful passing. It was been horrible for us being so far away from the family in such a time of need. We wish more than anything that we could be there to just wrap our arms around everyone.Its hard being 1800 miles away from everyone and feeling helpless.
2. Please pray for Chris this next week. He starts school on Monday and will be taking 3 classes this summer meaning that he will be away from me and the boys 4 nights a week on top of being gone all day for work. I am so proud of Chris for all that he is doing and I know that he is doing it for the betterment of our family and our future. He has a little over a year left of school and he will finally have his degree. I could not be any more proud.
3. Please pray for Chris specifically on may 12. He will be taking his Staff Sgt. test that day. This is a very difficult test that, on average, is taken at least 2 times before passing it. Making Staff Sgt. does not only rely on the test but multiple factors. His PT test, EPR, and test are all accounted for and added up to see if he made it. For Chris, everything relies on how well he does on the test. He has the second highest PT score in his entire squadron and he has firewall fives on his EPR sheet. Because Chris has only been a Senior Airman for a couple of months, this will mean that he has to score higher on his Test than a lot of other people taking the test. You get more points for how long you have been in the military and how long you have had on your Senior Airman stripes. Chris has been studying very hard but in all reality, he could get a 90 on his test and still not make it. If people taking the test for a second or third time make the same grade as him, they will make staff before him because they will have more points for being in longer. It is confusing but please just pray for Chris during this time. He wants it badly.
4. Please pray for me. I have been through so much lately with c section recovery, being extremely ill for 6 weeks because of gall stones, and then getting my gall bladder removed 2 weeks ago. Please just pray that I stay feeling healthy and that there are no more obstacles that I need to overcome with this.
5. Please pray for my schooling as well. I start back again at the end of this month and I am very nervous. I am trying very hard to get on a constant schedule with the boys that include waking up in the morning, breakfast, baths, lunch with daddy, nap times, keeping the house clean, staying on top of the laundry, working out, and doing all of the grocery shopping and cooking. Adding school into this equation will be difficult but I have to get it done! It will be such an accomplishment once we both finally have our degrees. It will be such a rewarding time for us with having finished our degrees with two kids under our belts!

Thank you for your prayers everyone. They are so appreciated.
Much love and God bless.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

All Things New

Wow, It has been quite an eventful month in the Smith house. God has blessed us beyond our imagination and life is blissful. Chris, Camden, and I welcomed a new member to our little family. Cayson Trevor Smith came into the world on March 3, 2011 at 9:11am. My delivery was absolutely perfect and Cayson weighed 9lbs and was 22" long! i had a very big healthy boy! My recovery was perfect and I am healing very well, much quicker than I did with Camden thats for sure! We did so well that we got to go home a day early. However, our homecoming was less than perfect. The last night I was in the hospital with Cayson, Camden had been throwing up all night. He got the stomach flu from one of his friends. To make a long puke filled story short, we all (with the exception of Cayson) got the stomach flu- me, Chris, Camden, and my mom. All I have to say is thank God that Cayson didnt get it. I felt sooo horrible so I cant imagine how it would have made a newborn feel. God is so good.
Since then, Chris' parents have come for a visit as well and we had a great time. My sister Gerianne is coming in about 2 weeks and I am soo excited to see her!
Chris, Camden, Cayson, and I have just been getting into the swing of things and getting used to our new schedule. I can't believe that God has blessed me with these two beautiful little boys. They are the absolute light of my life. I HAVE to newborn is already sleeping 6 hours straight at night EVERY night. Hes amazing.
Thats all for now. Laundry is calling my name!
Much Love and God bless!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

day 10, your views on drugs and alcohol

unless you are taking prescription drugs from a doctor for medical purposes, there is no reason for anyone to ever be taking drugs whatsoever. Drugs are just stupid and can cost you your life. I had two friends in high school die from boy took some kind of pill and his body reacted to it in a different way and he died....another boy committed suicide because he was not in his right mind because of the drugs that he had taken. There are so many wonderful things in life that can give you that "high" feeling that you are looking just have to find what that is for you.... for me, its being a good wife, seeing my precious baby smile and be happy, making good grades, or even that simple feeling of being finished cleaning the kitchen does it for me haha. Bottom line, drugs are stupid and ruin people's lives. me, if you are drinking alcohol just to get drunk, then that is just stupid...if you are drinking alcohol just to fit in, that is stupid....if you are drinking alcohol to escape reality, it is stupid..... Now, I am not going to sit here and lie and say that I have no done my fair share of drinking. When i was in high school, I went through a very rough patch that lead to drinking excessively every weekend and making some very bad choices for myself. Luckily, this didn't last long and I am fortunate enough to say that it did not leave me with consequences that I would have to live with...
I will occasionally have a glass of wine if my husband and I are sitting at home watching a movie or we go out on a date...but once you become a parent, it is just not worth it. Could you imagine being so drunk that heaven forbid something happen to your child in the middle of the night but you are too passed out to do anything about it? Ya, try living with that for the rest of your life.
So in the end....drugs are stupid and alcohol is stupid if you don't know self control.
Thats all for now! Much love and God bless,

Monday, February 7, 2011

oops forgot a few days of my challenge :)

6.The person you like and why you like them.
Well, there are a million reasons why I love my husband....
-he loves me and takes care of my and our child
-he is a hard worker and provides so well for us which allows me to stay home and raise our son
-he is extremely handsome
-he is romantic
-he puts my feelings before his own, always
-I trust him. This is a big deal for me because there are very few men in this world that I trust.
-he is my best friend and soul sounds so cliche for me to say this considering everyone says that their husbands are their best friends even if they treat them like crap, but he really is.
7.Your opinion on cheating on people.
- haha well.....cheating is wrong. In the married world, it is called adultery. When a man and wife exchange vows on their wedding day, that is a promise to GOD that you will love and cherish only each other as man and wife. Cheating is wrong and ruins what is my opinion on cheating on people? Well, i think if you are the cheater, you are sinning against God and you will have to answer for it. So sucks for you.
8.Something you’re currently worrying about.
I am currently worrying about a few things. Am I going to go into labor before my due date? Are the new sectional, TV, and TV stand that we ordered going to get here before the baby is born so I can have furniture in our living room when we bring home our child? ( i know that one is silly)
I am trying to be as stress free right now as I can be in my fragile state but I am such a worry wort. I worry if I have nothing to worry about....its just what I do...
9.Your last kiss.
about 5 minutes ago from my husband before he fell asleep. :)

That's all for now!
Much love and God bless.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 5, things that irritate you about the opposite sex

well, I wouldn't call it an irritation really, more of like a difference of opinion. Men were made differently than women, they just were. Yes it is true that God made man in the image of him and that women were made from the rib of a man. "You can’t have a very happy marriage unless you understand and accept that God made men and women different, and that this is a good thing. We shouldn’t try to get rid of the God-given differences between men and women, but instead learn to understand them, accept them, and even grow to truly appreciate them". I found this on a site and it is totally true. With that said, I am not perfect and I can sometimes get a little bit irritated when Chris can't fully understand how I am feeling as a woman. I will say this, Chris is VERY in tune with my emotions as a woman. I think that the one statement that I have heard about the differences between man and woman that irritate me the most are that men run off of logic and woman run off of emotion. I can agree with this statement to a point but I will not fully agree that all men think logically all woman run off of emotions. There have been too many men royally screw up their lives for me to believe that they make EVERY decision based off of logic and reason. Now, I am a woman, and I am an emotional woman. BUT, I am also a very intelligent woman who thinks most of my decisions through. I wont sit here and pretend that I in the heat of an argument that I don't say something mean off of my overrun emotions but when it comes to BIG decision making, I will definitely say that I am a logical person who thinks things through.
With all of this said, I am thankful that I am married to a man who gets both sides for the most part. Hes not perfect, but he tries hard to understand me, especially in my emotional and vulnerable states. If we BOTH had my personality, things would not be good. I am thankful that God made men and women different. He obviously knew what he was doing. We compliment each others strengths and weaknesses.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 4, what you wear to bed

This one is random lol
Well ok, NORMALLY when I am not pregnant, it is either a tank top and basketball or sophie shorts. I am pretty hot natured and I have to wear cotton to sexy silky night gowns for me lol. BUT, considering I'm currently pregnant, its tank top and panties all the way lol. I am constantly hot and I do not sleep with the covers on anymore haha even though there is snow on the ground outside.
thats all for now!
much love and God bless!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 3, what kind of person attracts you?

This is a funny one! It might be a little bit touche to say "Tall dark and handsome" because that's exactly what my husband is but I have proof that's what I have always wanted! Shortly before my wedding day, my mom gave me a letter that I wrote when I was 7 or 8 years old at church about what I wanted my husband do be like. It said...
1. taller than me- I am very fortunate in this department. I can literally wear any size heels and I am not even close to being as tall as Chris. I am 5'6 and he is 6'3. Go me! lol
2. Dark hair- I have always been attracted to darker headed men. Chris' hair is true black so hes as dark as it can get! I Love it.
3. handsome- umm gee, enough said.....I think my husband is the most attractive man in the world.
4. Godly man- what a blessing. My husband is a God fearing man. I have always found this to be one of the most attractive qualities about him. I will never forget the first time I knew I loved him. We had actually only been dating a month and right before we got off the phone, he asked me if I would pray with him before we got off and went to sleep. I just remember my heart melting listening to him talking to our Lord. I adore him.
5. sweet to me- haha remember I was 8 when I wrote this. My husband is so sweet. I am very lucky to be married to someone who is so patient and sweet with me, in all situations.
6. a good father- Chris is the best daddy I have ever seen. He is just as in love with Camden as I am. I am so blessed to have such an amazing father to my children. He is a good daddy in every way possible..... he provides, he loves, and he gives undivided attention to him.
So yes this was a small list that I made a long time ago about my future husband haha. I was so excited that my mom kept it and gave it to me to compare. I guess I have known what I wanted for a long time!
That's all for now!
Much love and God bless,

Monday, January 31, 2011

How have you changed in the past 2 years?

This is day 2 of my 21 day challenge. This is fun.
Ok so how have I changed in the past two years? well let me just say I have changed in every way almost humanly possibly haha. Two years ago, I was pregnant with my Camden alone in Lubbock Texas with about 100 boxes full of all of our household goods in our apartment getting ready to make the move to join my sweet hubby in Dover Delaware. That was a very difficult year for me I must say. I was pregnant, Chris had been on medical hold for his heart surgery for nearly 7 months that was keeping us from moving and finally being a family again. It seemed like we had lived apart for so long. We had only been married for 3 months when he left for BMT (basic military training). He was only supposed to be in tech school for 8 weeks but it ended up to be nearly 7 months because he was on medical hold. Needless to say it was a difficult time only seeing each other on the weekends but it was so worth the wait. I remember finally landing in the Philadelphia airport and seeing him standing there in his uniform waiting for me. I jumped into his arms immediately and gave him a big kiss.( it was the day after our 1 year anniversary which we had to spend apart but we knew that it was not going to be long until we didn't have to be apart anymore) Our wait was finally over and we were going to be together! Just in time too because i looked like i was about to pop! We drove to Delaware, moved into our beautiful new home, and got settled in very quickly. From there, alot more has happened.
1. After moving out of Lubbock for the first time in my life, the most important thing we wanted to do was find a good church home. Mission accomplished! We visited Southside Baptist Church a few times and knew it was the perfect fit for us. Our church family is so wonderful and such a blessing.
2. The next big thing was the arrival of Camden! Becoming a mommy is the biggest change I have ever gone through, yet completely the easiest to get adjusted to. He was such a beautiful healthy little blessing and we were immediately in sync with each other. It was so natural for me, becoming a mommy. He is truly the most wonderful part of my life.
3. the next big change in my life was learning to live on a budget. If you knew me before i got married, i apologize if I ever came off a spoiled rotten brat, because that is exactly what I was. I have really learned how to live on a budget, I have learned the value of money and what things are important, and definitely gained some responsibility. It was definitely all for the better I must say!
4. Another way I have changed in the past 2 years is my cooking skills have definitely improved. I have found a new love for cooking and I LOVE trying out new things so if you have any good recipes, send them my way!
5. Another change in my life would be getting pregnant AGAIN! Cayson will be here in about 4 weeks and I know this will be a big change in our family. 2 babies are WAY more than 1, or so I have heard. I am not too worried though, I am just excited!
Well, those are the big changes that have happened in my life the past 2 years. All wonderful and I wouldn't change a single one!
That's all for now!
Much love and God bless,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

21 day challenge

Ok so I saw this on a friends blog and I decided to steal it! The baby is due in 4 weeks and 4 days so I have enough time to do this before Cayson comes! Join me!
1.Weird things you do when you’re alone.
2.How have you changed in the past 2 years?
3.What kind of person attracts you?
4.What you wear to bed.
5.5 things that irritate you about the sex/same sex.
6.The person you like and why you like them.
7.Your opinion on cheating on people.
8.Something you’re currently worrying about.
9.Your last kiss.
10.Your views on drugs and alcohol.
11.Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
12.A date you would love to go on.
13.The best thing to happen to you this week.
14.3 things you are proud of about your personality.
15.Things that make you scared.
16.Something that never fails to make you feel better.
17.Something you can’t seem to get over.
18.Things you want to say to 5 different people.
19.10 ways to win your heart.
20.Talk about your siblings.
21.The month you were happiest this year and why.

This one took some thought. I couldn't really think of anything that is that weird that I do when I am alone haha. The only thing that I could come up with is my OCD about my day planner. When I am by myself I always sit down, take out my day planner, and write down almost everything that I am going to do for the week no matter how stupid it may be. If someone saw my day planner they would think that I am a nutcase but haha I don't care. Another weird thing I do is I organize my purse when I am alone. I take everything out and I get rid of the receipts, gum wrappers, and goldfish crumbs from Camden hehe and organize everything in there. You can always tell when I have cleaned out my purse because there will be like 50 receipts at the top of the trash can haha.
That's really all I can think of. Everything else is pretty basic.
Any real time I get alone, I am either taking a shower, cleaning the house, doing dishes, or folding laundry :)......oh the life of a mommy! I absolutely love it.

So, I am currently 35 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I have a scheduled C section the day before my due date on March 3. I can't wait to see Cayson! I am anticipating a Camden look alike but we will see! Camden came out looking just like daddy with dark hair and dark eyes. Later on his hair fell out to where he was COMPLETELY bald. It later grew in blond. haha. The only blond in my family is my momma so I thought this was so funny. My mom loves that she gave her hair to Camden haha. So cute.
So the nursery is all ready and I have everything that I need with the exception of burp clothes which a few of my friends are sweet enough to make some for me. We have once again been extremely blessed with gifts from our loved ones for Cayson. I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by. I have mixed feelings about it honestly. This is our last baby so I am trying to take it in and enjoy every second but my back has been hurting pretty bad these past few weeks so its a little difficult. It does make me a little sad that this is my last pregnancy but also very excited because our little family will finally be complete. Something that I am excited about is having my body back to myself again. I have very much enjoyed sharing it with Cayson for the past 8 1/2 months but I wont lie, I feel like a whale. I can't wait to lose this baby weight. I have already made a healthy diet and exercise plan for myself post baby. I am excited :)
Well I have some hungry boys I need to go feed, including the one in my belly :)
That's all for now!
Much Love and God Bless,

Monday, January 10, 2011


Contentment is something that is a huge struggle for me. I know that it is human nature to see something that we like and wish we could have it but I feel like it is a daily struggle with me. I can never seem to be content with what God has given me and I always want more more more. Tax return season has come about again and of course I sat down and made a list of all the things that I want to get with it and just splurge splurge splurge! At the end of my list I took a good look at it and even though I had decided that I WAS going to get all of these things, I was still not happy. The next morning, we went to church and of course God put the perfect lesson on my Sunday school teachers heart to teach us that really hit home with me. His lesson was mainly about how we treat our neighbors but in his lesson he touched on worldly possession and how we see things that other people have and get envious. This was what really opened my eyes. After I got home from church, I took some alone time after we ate lunch as a family and then put Cam down for a nap to make a list of all of the things that I am thankful for in my life, big and small.
Here are a few of the things I am thankful for.
1. I am thankful for a loving, faithful, patient, hard working man to call my husband and best friend. I look at some of the girls that I went to school with who are having to raise their children on their own and I am just so thankful that I have Chris in my life. I have never seen any father look at their child the way Chris looks at our son. He is just as in love with Camden as I am.....and i know this is a rare quality in a man. He is so helpful of the things around the house that I can no longer do because I am reaching the end of my pregnancy and I am just so thankful. We have almost been married for 3 years no and I love him more and more every day.
2. I am thankful for a happy, healthy, smart, loving little boy. I literally cant remember my life when he was not in it. He is my life, and i am just so in love.
3. I am thankful for my beautiful house. I have a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house with a separate dining area, garage, and backyard. How can I not be content with this? Sometimes I still can find a way. Its shameful.
4. I am thankful that we can provide so well for our little family with only one income. This goes back to my husband. I am so lucky that I get to stay home and raise our little boy. Most mothers my age are having to work full time jobs to make ends meat. I am SO thankful that I can stay home with Camden and soon to be Cayson. We play all day, watch movies, sing songs, and learn new words! Its so fun.
5. I am thankful for our two cars. I have a 2008 Honda CRV and Chris has a 2007 Ford f150. They are both great cars and mine is actually paid off. Somehow I can still find a way to not be content with this....
6. I am thankful that we can give our children what they need. With the economy the way that it is today, I know that a lot of families are struggling. I'm not going to lie on here and say that we don't have to penny pinch every once in a while but we don't ever get behind with any bills and we can always put food on the table. In a way, I am thankful that the economy is the way that it is while Chris and I are still in our newlywed phase. I used to be so careless with money and did not appreciate it at all. I ate out every meal, bought anything i wanted, and did anything i wanted to do. Living on a budget has really taught me the value of money. It has also forced me to learn how to cook! ha ha. I'm sure my husband is very thankful for that part. My mother is a wonderful cook but I never took the time while i lived at home to go in and help her prepare our meals. I find myself calling her all the time for cooking tips :).
7. I am thankful for the church that we are a part of. We are part of such a wonderful church family that we can truly depend on. Not living near family has been difficult at times but our church really fills in that void. We are so blessed.
8. I am thankful for my family back in Texas. Chris and I were truly blessed with the families that God put us in. Our families have had ups and downs just as any other family has but they are mine, and I am thankful.
9. This might be a silly one to some of you but I am thankful for my furniture. This is one of my contentment issues. I want a new couch, new TV, new entertainment center, new kitchen table, ad new recliners. I already have nice couches, a nice 40" flat screen TV, a pretty kitchen table, etc.....its kind of ridiculous that I can find something to complain about when I already have something good....once again....its shameful.
10. There are soooo many other things that I am thankful for but the last thing I will put on here is my healthy pregnancy. God has blessed me so much with another healthy pregnancy and I am so blessed by this. Thank you God for my health and the health of my unborn child.
If this is something that you might have an issue with, I highly suggest that you sit down and make a list of everything that you are thankful for, big and small.
To God be the Glory great things he has done, so loved he the world that he gave us his son!
Thank you God for what you have blessed my life with.
That's all for now!
Much love and God bless!