Sunday, October 3, 2010

8 more days!!

This will probably be my last post until we actually find out what our baby is! I try not to be one to be pursuaded by "old wives tales" when it comes to knowing the gender but this time around its a little bit harder. I have gone back and forth with what my heart thinks it is (not that it matters haha as long as its healthy) but, my guess is going to be boy. However, all signs ( wives tales ) are pointing to girl.
Im carrying very high
the baby's heart rate has always been above 150
I had horrible morning sickness in my first trimester and none with Camden
I will admit, I am a lot more moody :)
I am craving sweets ( I craved salty foods with Camden )
My hair is a lot thicker and fuller this time ( I was shedding with Cam lol )
I know that these are all silly, but Im sure Im not the only anxious mom that wanted to know what my baby is hehe.
8 more days until we go and get our sonogram!!! I am so excited and so anxious.... I am ready to tackle the spare room and turn it into another nursery. I just need to know the gender first so that I can make the final decisions of the decor!
Well, thats all for now
Much love and God bless,

1 comment:

  1. yaaay! I have a feeling its a girl since EVERYTHING is different in your pregnancy this time...but you just NEVER know.
    Can't wait to find out. I bet you are on pins and needles! :)
