Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 5, things that irritate you about the opposite sex

well, I wouldn't call it an irritation really, more of like a difference of opinion. Men were made differently than women, they just were. Yes it is true that God made man in the image of him and that women were made from the rib of a man. "You can’t have a very happy marriage unless you understand and accept that God made men and women different, and that this is a good thing. We shouldn’t try to get rid of the God-given differences between men and women, but instead learn to understand them, accept them, and even grow to truly appreciate them". I found this on a site and it is totally true. With that said, I am not perfect and I can sometimes get a little bit irritated when Chris can't fully understand how I am feeling as a woman. I will say this, Chris is VERY in tune with my emotions as a woman. I think that the one statement that I have heard about the differences between man and woman that irritate me the most are that men run off of logic and woman run off of emotion. I can agree with this statement to a point but I will not fully agree that all men think logically all woman run off of emotions. There have been too many men royally screw up their lives for me to believe that they make EVERY decision based off of logic and reason. Now, I am a woman, and I am an emotional woman. BUT, I am also a very intelligent woman who thinks most of my decisions through. I wont sit here and pretend that I in the heat of an argument that I don't say something mean off of my overrun emotions but when it comes to BIG decision making, I will definitely say that I am a logical person who thinks things through.
With all of this said, I am thankful that I am married to a man who gets both sides for the most part. Hes not perfect, but he tries hard to understand me, especially in my emotional and vulnerable states. If we BOTH had my personality, things would not be good. I am thankful that God made men and women different. He obviously knew what he was doing. We compliment each others strengths and weaknesses.

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