Monday, February 7, 2011

oops forgot a few days of my challenge :)

6.The person you like and why you like them.
Well, there are a million reasons why I love my husband....
-he loves me and takes care of my and our child
-he is a hard worker and provides so well for us which allows me to stay home and raise our son
-he is extremely handsome
-he is romantic
-he puts my feelings before his own, always
-I trust him. This is a big deal for me because there are very few men in this world that I trust.
-he is my best friend and soul sounds so cliche for me to say this considering everyone says that their husbands are their best friends even if they treat them like crap, but he really is.
7.Your opinion on cheating on people.
- haha well.....cheating is wrong. In the married world, it is called adultery. When a man and wife exchange vows on their wedding day, that is a promise to GOD that you will love and cherish only each other as man and wife. Cheating is wrong and ruins what is my opinion on cheating on people? Well, i think if you are the cheater, you are sinning against God and you will have to answer for it. So sucks for you.
8.Something you’re currently worrying about.
I am currently worrying about a few things. Am I going to go into labor before my due date? Are the new sectional, TV, and TV stand that we ordered going to get here before the baby is born so I can have furniture in our living room when we bring home our child? ( i know that one is silly)
I am trying to be as stress free right now as I can be in my fragile state but I am such a worry wort. I worry if I have nothing to worry about....its just what I do...
9.Your last kiss.
about 5 minutes ago from my husband before he fell asleep. :)

That's all for now!
Much love and God bless.

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